The Show by Fro: Big fish, small fish

By: Andy 'Fro' Popkin

(This is an editorial piece. The opinions in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of compLexity Gaming or its parent company.)

The Show by Fro is a wisecracking look at compLexity, gaming and whatever additional random thoughts pop out from under all that hair. Parental discretion is advised.

Rofl? Cheat in a match to get PC's and before someone calls you out, call yourself out?!?! Good idea... I think that is what happened, but if not it's still pretty fuckin stupid. Give up your chance to get a computer that is worth a few grand when you're probably not making a few grand over the span of four months. I salute you clown and devour. George W. Bush would too.

Anyway, it's been a little while since my last article so I thought I'd write something up while I wait for my new fish to acclimate to my tank. Yep that's right, I got a saltwater tank about a week ago and I LOVE IT! That's why I havn't been writing or doing anything else the last week. It's been a lot of work and money, but once everything is in the tank I'm gonna be very happy. NEMO HERE I COME!!!

To use my fishtank as an analogy, saltwater tanks are sort of like professional gaming teams. (I know this is gonna be lame but I'll do my best to get a lol from y'all) When I first got my tank, I had to just put water in it and let it 'cycle' through the filter basically to get all the shit out of it. Let me tell you, watching water in a fish tank is pretty fuckin exhilarating. Same thing with a gaming team in that you gotta go through all of the boring beginning shit to make sure the 'base' of the team is solid. After a while you get the players that be on your team, let them get comfortable with their new surroundings and then let them do their thing. If they don't work out, you can always flush em down the toilet!

But when the players (or fish) do work well in their new habitat, you start feeding them and keeping them as a pet. I'm not saying that da_bears is the new coL puppy, but put some money in front of him and he will start doing tricks ;). When it comes to sponsors, they are like people who watch your fish for a minute and drill the tank with their fingers over and over to see what the fish will do. If they like your tank, you get money and vice versa.

Luckily we have a few good 'tank owners' that know how to talk the talk and walk the walk. One being this badass pictured here. (Thanks for emailing me that J, I needed something to bag on you about!)

I can just see it now: "OMG THIS IS FUCKIN AWESOME BRING IT ON SPLASH MOUNTAIN YOUR MINE!!" Fun ride, but not THAT fun Jake. PS you got donald and goofy wet, mother fucker...

Now back to the analogy, you can't over stock your tank because some fish will attack others and some will just die because the tank isn't ready to have that many fish. Ever noticed that the CAL-im superstar teams that have 17 different games in their organization don't ever make it anywhere? You gotta find a nice happy medium to keep all of your players happy. Now coL is CS, FIFA, TF2, WoW and I think that's it, not sure if we are planning on any more teams but I will let y'all know as soon as I do. As long as we can slowly acclimate and plan our new 'fish' then I think we have a great shot at going the distance. Just have to sit back and wait to see how many championships we can bring in 2009.

By the way, coL staff is sort of looking for some good writers for our new games and also just good writers. Anyone that thinks they have the chops, write up an article and pm me (fro) about it. I'll see what I can do ;) PEACE

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