The Worldwide Federation of Gaming

A new gaming league is hitting the scene this July and it promises to be the next big thing. Whether it'll be a change for the better or another league to crash and burn is yet to be seen.

The Worldwide Federation of Gaming was envisioned and established in late 2008 by CEO Michael A. Winchester. The slogan which W.W.F.O.G is going by is, "Built By Gamers. Backed By Gamers." The Worldwide Federation will be the first federation for gamers.

Here are a few players who are endorsing the league:

Justin Wong - 2009 Street Fighting 4 National Champion
Jerry Wang - 3 Time Yu-Gi-Oh Shonen Jump Champion
Chris Bowling - 2008 US National Yu-Gi-Oh Shonen Jump Champion
Jensen Santiago - 2008 Best Buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl State Champion
Dennis Sockwell - 2009 World Cyber Games US Open Virtua Fighter 5 Champion
Kelly "Mrs. Violence" Kelley - WCG Ultimate Gamer Contestant
Prod1gy X - Rock Band 2 World Record Holder and WCG Ultimate Gamer player
Rodney John - 4th Ranked 2008 WCG National Champion for Virtua Fighter
Michael "Yipes" Mendoza - 2007 Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Evo World Champion
Arturo "Sabin" Sanchez - 2009 WCG Fighter Club Runner up
Carl "Perfect Legend" White - 2006 Dead or Alive Evo World Champion

The league claims its website will support everything that gamers need. Here is the list that they put together.

Downloadable music and games
Video game products and accessories
Video game clothing apparel
Online News and content for the professional online competitive tournaments
Access to live streaming video and real time competition
Behind the scene interviews with pro gamers around the world
Online Forums with the Professionals
Direct access to the virtual warehouse for all gaming needs.

Here is an interview with CEO Michael A. Winchester.

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