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We recently reported that Niko 'naSu' Kovanen would be retiring like his brother lurppis after leaving Crack Clan. In a recent turn events, naSu and natu have found the motivation to form the team rootz. naSu originaly went inactive due to "lack of movitation".
Joining the two will be ex-Crack Clan member Matti 'SPIKEONE' Järvinen.
There's no reason not to be serious when you build a new team, I think Finland needs two competitive teams because the talent is there to have that. We wanted a project to work on and the roster changes in the other Finnish team made it possible. - Joona 'natu' Leppänen, Player
The full roster of rootz consists of:
Niko 'nasu' Kovanen
Joona 'natu' Leppänen
Matti 'SPIKEONE' Järvinen
Miikka 'dRiim' Toroi
Otto 'danzer' Dimitrow
Source: SK Gaming