tuBBy and Adrenaline to d2x

Former squad ruins have changed their name back to d2x. The squad was last seen in action at WCG USA where they were able to put up some impressive scores on some of the top teams.

Dustin "dizzaman" Dilyerd and Chris "TRULS" Navratil are leaving the team to pursue real life commitments. Replacing them will be Paul "Adrenaline" Baker, and Travis "tuBBy" Bechtol. tuBBy is currently at WCG Grand Finals, as he is the stand-in for EG.

The team will be in action next weekend at IEM5 American Championship. d2x has fallen into the group with compLexity, Area 51, Artyk.

dizzaman and TRULS were both forced to contend with real life commitments that would leave little to no time for the team. After WCG, they both decided it would be best for the team if both of them to take time off from CS. Bryan "buskey" Buskey

d2x lineup:

Travis "tuBBy" Bechtol
Bryan "buskey" Buskey
Dan "mehLer" Mehler
Kyle "flowsicK" Mendez
Paul "Adrenaline" Baker

Source: ESEANews

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