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Tomorrow, January 17th, 2010, Lo3 makes its return for their first show of the new year. Featured on tomorrow's episode is none other then the newest member of the coL family and the newly crowned MLG WoW Champion, coL.Black's Mike "Twixz" Shane. Twixz will be on the show to discuss some of the following topics:
MLG Season
MLG Finals in Orlando at the Gaylord Palms Resort
coL vs coL Finals Showdown
Look into the future of coL.Black, WoW and MLG
ESL Predictions
Much more!
Be sure to tune into the first episode of Lo3 in 2010 featuring Mike "Twixz" Shane! You can find the stream on our site under the "TV" area of the homepage, or here as well as at the official site of Lo3, here.