Welcome Hunter "SicK" Mims to coL.cs

Today we are pleased to announce the final addition to our #coLcs roster with the acquisition of Hunter "SicK" Mims!

It's a reunion of sorts, as the 20-year-old phenom from Las Vegas, Nevada returns to compLexity Gaming, where he reunites with both ShahZaM and Rickeh. In 2017 and 2018, he previously played with ShahZaM both on TSM and Misfits. In that time, he gathered additional experience and honed his skill, which he was able to apply alongside another future compLexity player in Rickeh during their time together on Rogue.

We'd also like to take this time to thank Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert for his contribution during the last few months! It's been a sincere pleasure having the legend around our gaming family again and we wish him the best of luck in the future.

Our current coL.cs roster:


Give Hunter a warm #coLFamilia welcome on Twitter and stay tuned for the upcoming EPL Season.

@compLexity | compLexityGaming | compLexityGaming

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