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It is with great pleasure that the compLexity Syndicate welcomes you to Version 5.0 (beta)! Over the years few organizations in the world have provided as much interactive content nor enjoyed such loyalty from its fanbase. Version 5.0 is the next step in our growth and we sincerely hope you will enjoy the site and visit often. Below you can find some of the new features. We'll also be adding additional ones in the future.
Streaming Area - Available via the main page and the streams page, users will be able to see, in real-time, who is streaming their game for public viewing. By clicking on the user, you can access their official streaming page which details what they're streaming, how long they've been online and what class they may be playing. We have also added the ability for anyone to stream live to the site and appear in the user's streaming area. You can access your stream setup by clicking "Setup Stream" via the User Panel on the left side of the website. All streams require an approval by a moderator before they will appear as online.
Match Details - Our match center and individual PG2 pages will be the primary area for information regarding CompLexity matches for any game. The page includes several features that fans have requested over the years. Additional features are still in the development phase and are expected to be added in the next update. In addition, when compLexiTV is live on-air, this section will change into our live TV stream.
Event Calendar - The event calendar (located in the upper right of the home page) will be the go-to source for any upcoming events, both gaming and community. Events are color coded depending on their type. By hovering over the event you can quickly find out what it is and by clicking it you are given any details that are known.
Spotlights - On the main page, you will see the 'Spotlights' area. This will serve as the source for any contests or promotions that we are running. Instead of searching through the news to find the post for a contest you want to enter, you can simply click on its respective image in the spotlights rotator.
We're confident that these new features (and ones already being developed) will keep your experience here at compLexity one of the best in gaming. We're very grateful that you visit our site and support our teams. If you have anything you'd like to see in v5.1 be sure to let us know.
Welcome to Version 5!
compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and enterainment!