For the first C3 interview we caught up with NSU’s Kevin “sKz” OConner
First, thanks very much for taking the time to sit down with us. North Stars United has been in the news lately with the pickup of David “Xp3” Garrido, formally of aAa. The team seems to be quickly developing into a top Canadian squad. Tell us a bit about how the team came together.
NSU was formed when three players from NoPression, the WCG 2008 Canadian champions, decided to leave their team to build something new with me. I was on NoPression for about two years before they won WCG Canada so we already had a lot of experience playing together. At that time, we were still looking for a 5th player and had no idea on who we were going to pick up. Fortunately, we were talking a lot with missharvey, Xp3’s girlfriend, and we learned that he was planning on moving to Canada with her. Being one of the only French speaking teams in Canada, we asked him if he wanted to play with us when he gets here and he agreed. He moved to Canada on January 6th and we have been practicing with him really hard since then.
How did you initially get involved in Counter-Strike? What goals have you obtained and what goals are you still working towards?
I was first introduced to Counter-Strike by a friend of mine about five years ago. Unlike everyone who had what I call a “pub period”, I had my own team a week after I started playing. The more I learned about the competitive aspect of the game, the more I wanted to play it and become good at it. I used to play hockey and soccer when I was young so I always had that thing inside me that makes you want to improve and become the best. When I started to become really competitive with NoPression, our goal was to be the best team in Canada.
Unfortunately, we finished 2nd at WCG Canada 2007 behind EG and were only two rounds away from winning the event. It was hard to get over that tough loss but we said to ourselves that we were going to win next year and even though I wasn’t part of NoPression when they won in 2008, I still have the feeling that I helped building this team and I was very happy for them. Our main goal right now is to prepare for WCG Canada 2009 in order to win it. We also want to attend as many US LANs as we can but unfortunately, if you team name isn’t EG, it’s very hard to find Canadian companies that are willing to invest in your team.
NSU is one of the more recognized names to enter the Creative Complexity Challenge. What was your motivation behind the decision and what would it mean for you to be a part of the Complexity organization?
Our motivation to enter the event was very simple. We have nothing to lose at this time and we want to practice as much as we possibly can to eventually join an organization that will support us financially. It would be an honor for us to play for one of the most recognized e-Sports organization. Jason Lake puts his heart in everything he does so it’s always a good motivation to have someone behind you that wants it as much as you do.
Taking a look down the registered list of C3 teams, there are some pretty solid rosters. Who do you think will give you the hardest time in the event?
I took a quick look at the teams that are registered at the moment and I would have to say Dynasty, MindScape and NoPression would be our toughest opponents.
If your team won the event and became the first ever Complexity CS Canadian squad, what would your goals be for the remainder of 2009?
Like I mentioned earlier, we want to win WCG Canada 2009 but we also want to establish ourselves as a top team in North America. Some people are probably going to be skeptic about it, but those people are the ones that make you want to become the best. If you have dedication, anything is possible.
Thanks very much for your time. Any final thoughts and/or shoutouts?
I would like to thank #Quantum-Servers for providing us with everything we need in order to practice and thanks to you guys for the interview. Good luck to everyone!