Changes to coL.DOTA; Riser Steps Down

BY Andrew Miesner / November 3, 2014

Today we are sad to announce a change in the coL.Dota roster, as Andrew ‘Riser’ Bronze steps down from his position as a starting support. Riser has been a critical piece of the coL.Dota roster since it’s inception, but chronic pain stemming from a back injury now requires that he limit his time at a computer. As an organization, we will always prioritize the well being of our players, and as such we immediately took steps to get Andrew home and into the hands of medical professionals. Riser will remain part of the compLexity Family and the coL.Dota team, helping his teammates with analysis, as well as contributing to the editorial section of our website. We hope that you will join us in wishing Andrew a speedy recovery from his injury.

Filling in for Riser will be Daniel ‘BloodyNine’ Foster, who arrived at the coL.Dota LA Bootcamp on Sunday. As a former HoN player, BloodyNine (a.k.a. WorstAtHoN) is a familiar face to many coL.Dota fans, and as a former teammate of MoonMeander’s he is a solid fit for the squad. BloodyNine will play a support position within the team, and you can see his first performance later today at 3PM EST | 2100 CET during coL vs C9 in the DreamLeague North American Division.

We thank you for your continuing support, and remind you to take care of your health. Just because we are gamers does not mean we are not exposed to potential injury. Prevention of these injuries is the best way to avoid serious complication. We encourage you to perform daily stretches to protect yourselves from common injuries to your neck, back, arms, and hands.

Here are some possible techniques to consider if you are experiencing similar pain or symptoms: