Changes to coL.IC

BY Andrew Miesner / April 28, 2014

Today compLexity Gaming is announcing a roster change for our Infinite Crisis squad.

Both Joey “Bluefreeze” Moore and Johnny “Mischkit” Haren will be departing from the team. Joining the squad will be Michael “MxL” Gonzalez, formerly of aL and Joseph “Krashy” Sanchez, formerly of VexX. MxL will be taking over the duties as the teams mid-laner, while Krashy will look to dominate the jungle role.

coL.IC captain Ray “Spaghetti” Stauffer had the following to say about the change:


As the Infinite Crisis competitive scene has grown, so too have the needs of the team. While there was a time when we could get by purely on our own player skill, that time has passed, and the need for a team with real cohesion has presented itself. Mischkit, understandably restless in his sub spot, wanted to break off and form his own team and with him went Bluefreeze. We wish them luck, and are happy with our recent pick ups, former aL Solo Laner MxL, and former VexX jungler Krashy.


As we welcome MxL and Krashy here today, we’d like to wish Bluefreeze and Mischkit the best of luck. Thanks as always for your support. Stay tuned for lots of exciting IC action coming your way!