coL Academy MLG Raleigh Qualifier Tournament

BY Andrew Miesner / July 22, 2012

The compLexity Academy is proud to announce its sixth tournament. Established to determine which one player from the Academy will receive an all expenses paid trip to go play at the MLG Summer Championship in Raleigh, North Carolina on August 24th, the tournament will be held on Monday July 23rd at 7:00 PM EST. The format of this tournament is standard double elimination and will feature a best of 3 for each match.



Congratulations to our winner: Fuzzy

Starting Map

The starting map will be determined by veto’s, the lower Seed veto’s first, then the higher seed. This will continue until there is one map left, this will be the starting map. After the first map, all maps become playable again. The winning player gets to veto one map and the losing player gets to pick from the remaining pool. No map can be played twice.

Map Pool 

MLG Antiga Shipyard
MLG Daybreak
MLG Entombed Valley
MLG Metalopolis
MLG Shakuras Plateau
MLG Tal’Darim Altar
MLG Cloud Kingdom

Commentary for the Academy tournament will be provide by our new coL.Academy casters David and Shawn from the Stoic Series. View the tournament LIVE on our stream by clicking here.