coL.Academy vs. vVv Gaming – ESEA

BY Andrew Miesner / November 4, 2011

Last night the compLexity Academy had their second ESEA match and, despite their best efforts, things just didn’t work out as planned. It was a rough match against vVv Gaming with a final score of 0-4.

The match-ups were:

 Goswser vs Titan 0-2
 Gensulitor vs Ruff 0-2
 Nineteen vs  Hasuu 1-2
 Brobocop vs Rocker 1-2 

While we’re not in the business of making excuses here in the compLexity Academy, it should be said that Goswser and Gensulitor played mirror matches which happen to be their least favorite. Keeping that in mind, our boys now have a clear idea of what they need to work on. A loss like this is just the kind of thing to help motivate the members of the Academy to practice even harder. With a new focus on the specific aspects of their play that need working on, the compLexity Academy is looking to come out refreshed and renewed on Tuesday night when they take on team Nightmares.