coL-Dig vs Acer – SC2L

BY Andrew Miesner / August 4, 2013

Tonight compLexity-Dignitas SC2 takes on Axiom eSports in Week 4 of the Starcraft 2 League. This will be the second match for coL-Dig as they come in with an 0-1 record, while Axiom comes in with a 2-0 record in the SC2L Season 1. Casted by legendary commentators such as iNcontroL, djWHEAT, Day[9], and Artosis, the SC2L showcases high quality content with easy and free access to the viewers.

The format of the league follows a team versus team approach. Within this team versus team setup, seven players go head to head with an opposing seven players with the goal of defeating their singular opponent in a one-vs-one best-of-one match-up. The first team to win four best-of-one matches is declared the match winner.


coL-Dig 0 VS 0 Acer
SC2L – Week 4
