coL.FilipinoChamp Places 3rd @ Final Round XVI in UMvC3

BY Andrew Miesner / March 29, 2013

UPDATE: FilipinoChamp places 3rd in UMvC3 1v1 and his NorCal team placed 5th in Curleh Mustache UMvC3 5v5 teams!

Today compLexity Gaming’s own Ryan “FilipinoChamp” Ramirez will be flying out to Atlanta, Ga to participate in the fighting game tournament FINAL ROUND XVI. Held at the Hilton Atlanta Airport, FINAL ROUND is one of the biggest fighting game tournaments on the East Coast. Last year’s event saw over 1500+ competitors from around the world and this year is looking to be even bigger.

FilipinoChamp will be competing in Street Fighter 4 AE v.2012, Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and Street Fighter X Tekken ver.2013. For the official rules and event schedule click here.

The event kicks off at 2:00 PM EST and will be streamed by Team Spooky and Finalroundbats. Please tune in and show your support for FilipinoChamp as he takes on some of the best players from around the world.