coL.Heart in GSL Up & Down Matches

BY Andrew Miesner / October 25, 2012

compLexity.SC2’s Kim “Heart” Min Hyuk will be playing in the GSL Up and Down Matches and will have the chance to qualify for Code S once again. After falling to CJ Entus’ Jung “Bbyong” Woo Yong 1-2 in a very close Terran vs. Terran series, Heart will be fired up and ready to go for the upcoming Up and Down Matches.

Heart had the following to say to his fans:

        Thank you all for Your cheers, I’ll do my best!

Kim “Heart” Min Hyuk

Heart is in Group E, of which includes the following players of all Protoss and Terran players:

  • (P) Sang/Terminator
  • (T) Happy
  • (P) Finale
  • (P) MC
  • (T) Sparta

To see Heart play, tune into on Friday, Oct. 26 at 2:10 AM PDT / 4:10 AM CDT / 5:10 AM EDT.

Be sure to stay updated by following and sending Heart words of encouragement via Twitter @coL_Heart.