coL.LoL vs LMQ – LCS Week 8

BY Andrew Miesner / July 13, 2014
compLexity 7-12 VS 12-7 LMQ

Today, compLexity League of Legends looks to secure their eighth win of the North American LCS season as they take on LMQ. LMQ comes into this match in 1st place in the standings, with coL in 7th but moving up fast after their most recent win last night against Curse.

The match is scheduled to begin at 6PM EST.

League Championship Series Week 8
Ryze Ban Ban Ziggs
Yasuo Ban Ban Tristana
Lulu Ban Ban Braum
Renekton Pick Pick Gragas
Elise Pick Pick LeeSin
Kassadin Pick Pick Orianna
Corki Pick Pick Lucian
Morgana Pick Pick Thresh
