coL.LoL vs LMQ & TSM – LCS Week 1

BY Andrew Miesner / May 24, 2014
compLexity 0-1 VS 1-0 LMQ

As we advance onto day two of the North American League of Legends Championship Series, our next opponent is full of familiar faces. We move on from our loss against Team Dignitas and look forward towards learning from our mistakes and applying what we have learned. Our next opponent is LMQ, who coL.LoL has faced in the past in the 2014 NA Challenger Series #1. In fact, coL.LoL faced off against LMQ in the Challenger Series #1 Finals. Unfortunately, coL.LoL lost against LMQ 2-0 in a best of 3. However, that was the past and coL.LoL is more experienced this time around.

LMQ is a team from China who was previously a sister team to Royal Club, the second place team at the Season 3 World Championship. They came to the United States in hopes of becoming an LCS team, qualifying through the Challenger Series which they dominated, placing 1st in both seasons. Afterwards, they defeated XDG Gaming in the Summer Promotion Tournament with a clean 3-0 sweep and made their way into the North American LCS. Now, coL.LoL is set to face LMQ in their second LCS game of the week, beginning at 4:00PM EST.

League Championship Series Week 1
CompLexity LMQ
Nidalee Ban Ban Ziggs
Leblanc Ban Ban LeeSin
Jax Ban Ban Morgana
Kassadin Pick Pick Shyvana
Khazix Pick Pick Thresh
Lucian Pick Pick Elise
Malphite Pick Pick Twitch
Zyra Pick Pick Soraka
compLexity 0-1 VS 0-1 TSM

As coL.LoL continue their journey in the North American LCS, they go on to face Team Solomid in their 3rd game of the week and 2nd of the day. Team Solomid comes into this season as the 2nd place team from the spring split after falling to Cloud 9, who coL.LoL will face on Sunday. Team Solomid is one of the most successful and strongest teams in the NA LCS. They have strong lanes and two new players on their roster.

As Xpecial was removed from his position as support, Gleebglarbu has filled this role and will be facing off against coL.LoL in the bottom lane. In addition, theOddone has retired from competitive play and went on to be a coach while Amazing, a jungler from Europe takes over the role of the jungler for Team Solomid. We will have to see just how coL.LoL stack up against the second place spring split team. The match is set to begin at 6PM EST.

League Championship Series Week 1
CompLexity Team Solomid
Nidalee Ban Ban Twitch
Evelynn Ban Ban Shyvana
Leblanc Ban Ban Soraka
Jax Pick Pick Kassadin
LeeSin Pick Pick Lucian
Zyra Pick Pick Morgana
Corki Pick Pick Renekton
Ziggs Pick Pick Elise
