coL.LoL vs Team EG – LCS Week 2

BY Andrew Miesner / May 31, 2014
compLexity 1-3 VS 0-4 EG

Going into the second week of the North American LCS, CompLexity LoL have their eyes set on their next opponent. For Week 2 Game 1, CompLexity LoL is up against Evil Geniuses, who have a 0-4 record so far in the summer split. CompLexity LoL currently have a 1-3 record following their victory over Cloud 9 last week. As we continue on, CompLexity LoL seem to have gotten a confidence boost since and during the game against Cloud 9. Evil Geniuses, the European team that qualified into the North American LCS finished ended up finishing 7th during the regular spring split. We will have to see just how well we stack up against them. 

This week, we will have Mancloud subbing in for pr0lly since he has to tend to some family obligations. We will have to see just how he does with the team, he is no stranger to the LCS as he played for XDG (Vulcan). With that being said, this should be a good matchup going into it and with some current stats, it seems like the game is in CompLexity LoL’s favor. CompLexity LoL have acquired 50% of the dragons in the game and also 50% of the First blood. With this addition of Mancloud, CompLexity LoL look for their first win in the second week of the NA LCS.

League Championship Series Week 2
coL EG
Leblanc Ban Ban Aatrox
Evelynn Ban Ban Jax
Twitch Ban Ban LeeSin
Lucian Pick Pick Lulu
Elise Pick Pick Shyvana
Morgana Pick Pick Thresh
Nidalee Pick Pick Corki
DrMundo Pick Pick Khazix