coL.SC2 vs. Reign – IPL Team Arena

BY Andrew Miesner / August 9, 2011

Tonight coL.SC2 will be playing Team Reign as part of IGN’s IPL Team Arena. Slated to kick off at 8:00 PM EST, commentary will be provided by IGN’s in-house caster CatsPajamas.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the IPL Team Arena format, it’s basically the same thing as the GSL Team League. Each team will send out one player who was chosen in secret to play in the first round. Winner stays while the losing team sends out another player and gets to pick the map. This system continues until one team has won five games.  To spice things up a bit, IGN is offering up a $100 bounty for each Team Arena match they win. This means that if CompLexity beast Reign tonight, they’ll be taking home an extra $100, on top of the $500 for winning the match, because Reign won last week versus Evil Geniuses.

Tonight’s match should be interesting considering that Reign has picked up KiWiKaKi and SLush, two players that used to be on ROOT Gaming which was acquired by CompLexity back in June. To get in on the action head over to the IPL at 8:00 PM EST.