coL.SC2 Welcomes Hendralisk

BY Andrew Miesner / April 21, 2013

HOUSTON, TEXAS – January 17, 2013 – Today compLexity Gaming is pleased to announce another addition to our Starcraft II roster: Henry “hendralisk” Zheng, formerly of Monomaniac eSports.

“compLexity strongly believes in the support and development of the foreign SC2 scene and with that we are happy to announce our latest addition to our SC2 roster in Henry,” said Jason Bass, COO of compLexity Gaming.

compLexity’s Josh “TriMaster” Niven had this to say about Hendralisk:

Hendralisk is one of those players that we feel is quite skilled yet somehow manages to fly under the radar. With him joining us we hope to show everyone the same thing that brought him to our attention.

Henry “Hendralisk” Zheng is a University of Toronto student who started his StarCraft 2 career in May 2011. The Canadian Zerg started off as a casual player and hoped to improve his skill through the in-game ladder. He steadily perfected his game and was picked up by Monomaniacs e-Sports. He has made some offline tournament appearances such as representing his country at the 2012 WCG Grand Finals and made his first North American offline appearance at MLG Raleigh 2012. So far in 2013, he started off by winning LAN ETS 2013. Zheng hopes to push himself even further to become one of the top Canadian StarCraft 2 players.

What does it mean for you to join compLexity?

It’s a bit of a dream come true, to be honest. I’ve been striving to join a big-name team ever since I started playing StarCraft 2 seriously. Since I was a kid I’ve bled red, so compLexity was a really perfect fit 😉 I started seriously applying myself and playing tournaments since pretty much last summer, and it’s been especially rewarding in online qualifiers especially. I managed to qualify for ESWC NA finals, I qualified for both IPL 5 and 6 and WCG World Championships as well! Representing your nation is always something quite special, and is something where I have quite shared values with compLexity, who have always strived to improve the national scene. 

I really want to help develop a positive attitude and try not to get upset when I’m losing, it’s a valuable learning experience after all. When you have positive team-mates around you, I feel like you learn much quicker and they can execute a variety of builds. We’ll see if TriMaster can do anything about my F4 key!

In essence I am really hoping to just improve myself and try to represent compLexity on ever growing stages. I work hard and I will uphold compLexity’s values with honesty and integrity.

What are your current thoughts about Zerg in Heart of the Swarm?

I didn’t really have a chance to play HoTS beta, so I’m still very much learning the game! If I’m totally honest, my race of choice feels a bit weak 🙁 No, really! In my experiences on the ladder, I have found zerg a bit lacking in options right now. It is just really hard to deal with certain introductions that Blizzard made for HoTS. Especially the medivac boost is really tough to deal with, it has no real flaws and, while it makes for exciting games, is very tough for the swarm to deal with. 

When it comes to the protoss matchup, I think it is mostly a fair and balanced matchup. I still suffer with air based builds buffered by high templar though. It’s a tough composition to face, but I will keep working on it and I believe I will persevere! Zergs are the most adaptable, and I have full faith I and my other zerg brothers together will find a way to make our race work for us and win tournaments.

What are your goals for 2013?

I will beat every Korean player that is thrown in my way and get in to the North American World Championship Series Premiere League and then win it. After that I will relinquish my title and fly over to Korea, where I will steamroll everyone in the Korean WCS. After I have accomplished these two tasks, I will use my winnings to buy lottery tickets and live life as a billionaire. 

In all seriousness, I do want to focus on the WCS. I have previously represented NA in tournaments and it is a feeling I cherish and respect. I really want to uphold North American honor and beat Koreans wherever I can! Be it MLG or WCS, I will always be striving on the next opponent in front of me and constantly improving.

Welcome hendralisk here!

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