coL.Stalife Wins ProjectXLan!

BY Andrew Miesner / February 5, 2011

Today, coL.Stalife is at his first lan event under the compLexity name. He will be in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the ProjectXLan, which is feautring $7,500+ in prizes.

The tournament format will be 64 players, double elimination and each round will be best-of-three. The Semi and Grand Finals will be best-of-five. The tournament gets underway at 2PM EST.

If your looking to attend the event and find out more information head on over to the official ProjectXLan website.

Round 7 – Finals

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 1 3
mkengyn 0 0 0
Map: Metalopolis, Scrap Station, Xel’Naga Caverns

Round 6 – Semi Finals

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 1 3
Cloud 0 0 0
Map: Scrap Station, Xel’Naga Caverns, Delta Quadrant

Round 5

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 2
VTclonze 0 0 0
Map: Delta Quadrant, Xel’Naga Caverns

Round 4

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 2
Imaonnaise 0 0 0
Map: Blistering Sands, Lost Temple

Round 3

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 2
atrolulz 0 0 0
Map: Shakuras Plateau, Xel’Naga Caverns

Round 2

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 2
veins 0 0 0
Map: Metalopolis, Delta Quadran

Round 1

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.Stalife 1 1 2
skippitydoo 0 0 0
Map: Xel’Naga Caverns, Shakuras Plateau