Today at 5 PM EST The Collegiate Starleague (a StarCraft II league for college students to participate in) will be holding its grand finals featuring The University of Waterloo versus The University of British Columbia. What’s interesting about this tournament is that three of compLexity’s players are participating. On Waterloo’s side you have coL.Antimage and on UBC’s you have coL.Stalife and coL.FireZerg.
The format of the CSL is a tad bit strange. You see, the finals will be a best of seven, except that each game is played by a different player. To mix it up even more, set three will be a 2v2 game. The match ups have already been determined as follows:
coLAntimage [Metalopolis] coLStalife
NrGHumble [Tal’Darim Altar] coLFireZerg
SuperNinja and lALalA [War Zone] Saikou and tQWannaBe
xiGerbil [Shakuras Plateau] ValiditySAGA
tGKangpo [Xel’Naga Caverns] Saikou
SCMonk [GSL Crevasse] tQWannaBe
? [Shattered Temple] ?
To watch the CSL finals (which are commentated by none other than Day[9]) head over to Day9tv at 5PM EST.