compLexity Academy Adds League of Legends

Today Complexity Gaming is pleased to announce the expansion of the compLexity Academy ("CA") into League of Legends.

Since May of 2011 the compLexity Academy has been devoted to finding and nurturing developing talent in Blizzard's StarCraft 2 title. Today's expansion marks the first time we have reached out to another community in hopes of supporting a new group of gamers.

"League of Legends is quite simply a juggernaut eSports title," said Jason Lake, Founder and CEO of Complexity Gaming. "Riot's support of the game and massive global interest have created an exciting community that we are please to support. Often the majority of fan focus is on the premier teams but no competitive game can survive without the support of developing players. We hope and believe the compLexity Academy can contribute to that effort in a meaningful way."

Effective immediately, CA will support the team previously known as Transcendence. The team will be managed by Michael "Twixz" Shane, provided with professional gaming gear from sponsors such as Creative Sound Blaster, and developed with the end goal being a place in Riot's upcoming seasons.

The new CA.LoL squad is as follows:

  • Chase "chaseonfireee' Cunningham
  • Evan "The Cpt America" Seale
  • Kevin "Ki11Face' Behnaz
  • James "Raiynz" Lee
  • Solomon "Cheezycookie" Davidsohn
  • Cam "Syykez" Merrill

Below is an interview Jason Lake gave with MOBAFire during IPL5 which talks about the addition of League of Legends, as well as what he expects to see in the future of MOBA competition.

Welcome them here!

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