compLexity Academy Recruitment Tournament LIVE

BY Andrew Miesner / September 17, 2011

Congratulations to our top 3 Finalists: 

Picnic, Nocreativity, and Proxima


Today marks one of the most important days in the Academy to date. The recruitment tournament is just a couple hours away so make sure to stay tuned to find out who will be the newest members of our compLexity Academy. Some notable entries include Pride, Avilo, Trump, and RoyalFlush. There are only three spots open in the academy so competition is sure to be fierce good luck to all the competitors today.

Casting the event will be Adebisi (Academy Caster), and Tumba, in replacement of Wombat, who was not able to attened the event today. Today is sure to have exciting matches by some of the best up and coming players, all fighting to keep their dream alive of becoming a professional gamer.