compLexity CrossCounter Launches

BY Andrew Miesner / June 19, 2011

Today compLexity Gaming is thrilled to announce our move into the fighting game community.  It has long been our wish to enter the vibrant scene but we wanted to do so in the best way possible.  We now have found that way and are thrilled to launch our new fighting division- compLexity: CrossCounter.

In order to create a dominant global presence we have brought in some of the best known figures in the community.  Mike “MikeRoss” Ross has come on board as the Player Manager and Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez has joined as Media Manager for the division.

In the coming months we will be announcing the lineup of players who will represent the squad.  In the meantime we encourage the compLexity Community to follow and support Mike and Ryan and their channel CrossCounterTV, which will now be sponsored by Creative SoundBlaster and presented by compLexity Gaming.



Tonight the guys board a flight to Australia for the Shadowloo Showdown.  Stay tuned for some video coverage of the trip and be sure to follow their Twitters HERE and HERE.

Welcome the guys here!


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