compLexity & Sasquatch Part Ways

BY Andrew Miesner / November 6, 2013

Today we are announcing the departure of our friend Gage “Sasquatch” Dubose. Sasquatch has been with our gaming family for over two years and has contributed immensely to our StarCraft 2 efforts as our 2nd Academy player to be promoted to the main team.

Gage had this to say regarding his departure:

I was thinking about it for a while, but today I decided it was the time for me to leave compLexity. coL is the most professional team I’ve ever been on and it was a very tough choice for me to say goodbye, as I do feel a strong sense of loyalty to them for all the oppurtunities they’ve provided me since I joined. With that said, I think this is the best choice for me right now. I’m still on good relations with all the players and staff, and I don’t think there are any hard feelings on either end. I’m not sure what exactly is in the future for me but I know I’m going to keep playing Starcraft and being part of the community! Thanks for all the memories compLexity!

We wish him the very best and thank him for his hard work!