Today everyone at compLexity Gaming is thrilled to announce another major addition to our StarCraft 2 squad. He is a player who needs no introduction. His performance inside and outside Korea has proven to be one of consistency and excellence.
Please welcome Kim “GanZi” Dong Ju to the compLexity family!
Rather than go on a long diatribe about Kim’s success we will link you to his Team Liquid Wiki.
Ganzi’s first event with us will be IPL 4 next week in Las Vegas. Please welcome him here!
Thanks as always for your support. We keep saying that we’re working harder than ever to earn it, and we sincerely mean it.
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If you’re a Ganzi fan please consider Tweeting our sponsors to thank them for their support! @SoundBlaster @QPadcom @PNY_Tech @Twitchtv @OriginPC