CrunCher vs d.NaNiwa – TSL3

BY Andrew Miesner / April 23, 2011

Post Game

Game 1 – Metalopolis
The first game was an extremely short game. Cruncher started off with a proxy pylon and built two forward gateways there. With an excellent scouting probe, Naniwa finds Cruncher’s buildings and takes the necessary precautions, building as many units as he could to defend. As Cruncher attacked, NaNiwa is able to defend cruncher’s early aggression with some excellent micro. The only thing Cruncher could do was build more and more units, but they were not dealing enough damage. With no tech structures, and no way to defend his two forward gateways, CrunCher gives the first game to Naniwa.

Game 2 – Shakuras Plateau
The second game’s action starts off with Naniwa stealing one of Cruncher’s gases to put him behind. Naniwa then walled off his choke with two adjacent gateways. Cruncher built a three gate into a hidden Star gate. Cruncher pushes forward with three phoenixes and manages to pick off a sentry and the first colossus from Naniwa, putting him at a huge advantage. Naniwa decides to attack with a mass of units, but with two excellent force fields, Cruncher was able to put that push to a halt, increasing Cruncher’s lead in both workers and upgrades. With constant harassment on Naniwa’s mineral lines with his phoenixes, Cruncher managed to maintain his lead in resources. As Naniwa realizes that there is not much for him to do, he decides to move up and do some damage to Cruncher’s third expansion. As soon as he started attacking, Cruncher came up behind and trapped Naniwa in a corner. With almost 6 more colossi than Naniwa, Cruncher decimated Naniwa’s army and takes the second game.

Game 3 – GSL Tal’Darim Altar
The third game sees both players opening up with a four gate. Naniwa builds a very early Twilight Council and researches a very early blink (at about 5:30). Naniwa decided to push up with his early blink stalkers and are able to pick off a couple of Cruncher’s forces in the middle of the map. With his early advantage, Naniwa keeps pushing. Realizing that he is in trouble, Cruncher built a Forge, and couple of Photon Cannons and a Robotics Bay. As Naniwa attacked Cruncher’s base, Cruncher is forced to pull his probes off of the mineral line to defend his base losing the majority of them. With only a handful of stalkers and three immortals, Cruncher could not defend his base against the mass amount of stalkers Naniwa had, and so the third game goes to dignitas.Naniwa.

Game 4 – GSL Terminus RE
This game starts off with Cruncher stealing a gas from Naniwa, which forced Naniwa into a four gate build. Naniwa proceeded to build a proxy pylon in front of Cruncher’s base and before Cruncher could destroy it, a round of four stalkers were warped in. Cruncher was able to defend the first and second wave of attacks using some excellent micro. With the proxy pylon still in place, Naniwa continued to warp in units to increase his army size. As Cruncher was limited to only one base, he started to build Colossi and mass zealots. Cruncher decided to push out of his base once he had enough units and the colossi were able to inflict enough damage to destroy Naniwa’s entire force of blink stalkers. Cruncher then destroyed Naniwa’s base winning the game and pushing the series to a fifth and final game.

Game 5 – Xel’Naga Caverns
The game starts off with a very early scout to Cruncher’s base; however Cruncher was able to kill the scouting probe due to a positioning mistake on Naniwa’s part. Cruncher then steals a gas and forces Naniwa into a four gate because of his advantage. Cruncher builds a proxy pylon at the Xel’Naga Watchtower while Naniwa builds a proxy pylon as well. Cruncher’s initial attack was held off and Naniwa decided to do a very heavy counter attack utilizing his proxy pylon. With not enough units to defend his base, Cruncher gives in resulting in the final score 3-2 for dignitas.Naniwa.

Round of 8

Starting today (Sunday) at 2:00PM EST, CompLexity’s Abdulaziz ‘CrunCher’ Abed will take on Dignitas Gaming’s Johan “NaNiwa” Lucchesi in the Team Liquid Star League round of 8. This will be CrunChers first non-PvZ matchup in the event, but in anti-climatic fashion, today’s match will be a dreaded PvP.

The match will be casted on Team Liquid’s stream which can be found below.


Team Liquid Star League 3 – CrunCher vs NaNiwa


Location: TN, USA
Team: CompLexity



Location: Sweden
Team: Dignitas


Time: 2:00PM EST
Maps: Best of Five