CrunCher vs Ensnare – NASL

BY Andrew Miesner / May 12, 2011

Post Game

Game 1: Typhon Peaks
Both CrunCher and Ensnare opened up with pretty standard builds; CrunCher opting for a one Gate fast expand and Ensnare going with a two Rax Reactor Techlab. Both players sat back in their bases macroing until the mid game where Ensnare took the map, posturing for an attack. In the mean time, CrunCher managed to sneak three Dark Templar across the map into Ensnare’s mineral lines, causing massive damage. Realizing that he could never really catch up, Ensnare went all in, only to have the cunch put on him by Blink Stalkers and Zelots. CrunCher easily took game one.

Game 2: Xel’Naga Caverns
Ensnare opened the game using the same build as the previous one. CrunCher on the other hand went with a fast Void Ray rush. Ensnare moved out very early on with a few Marauders and Marines, catching CrunCher with only three Stalkers. Thanks to some clutch Probe micro, CrunCher managed to fend off the attack with minimal losses. By this time, CrunCher managed to squeeze out a few Void Rays and go on the offensive. Sitting on five Barracks, Ensnare was in a decent position, however he continued to make Marauders while ignoring Marines. This would prove a fatal flaw as CrunCher had no problem charging up the Voids and tearing down Ensnare’s front line. With no units left, Ensnare tapped out.

CrunCher put on a fantastic show, proving that he’s no “flash in the pan.” His quick thinking, clutch micro and variety of builds really shown through in tonight’s match. Ensnare is top Korean Terran player, who is currently in GSL Code S, so he isn’t a push over either. GGs to both players and be sure to tune in on Saturday when coL.Stalife takes on “the Kratos Protoss” oGsMC.

NASL – Week 5

Tonight, CompLexity’s CrunCher will be taking on Ensnare from OGS (Old Generations) in week 5 of the North American Star League. Last week, Ensnare lost to sJoW from Dignitas by the score of 0-2, while CrunCher was defeated by July by the same score.

The match is set to begin at 10PM EST.


North American Star League – CrunCher vs Ensnare


Location: TN, USA
Team: CompLexity



Location: Korea
Team: Old Gen.


Time: 10:00PM EST
Maps: Best of Three