CrunCher vs TT1 – NASL

BY Andrew Miesner / June 9, 2011

Post Game

Game 1: Backwater Gulch
CrunCher started out the game with two Gateways into pretty fast Robo tech. TT1, on the other hand, went with a three Gateway opener into Twilight council tech. CrunCher took a defensive posture, sticking to Immortals rather than teching to Colossus. In a clever move by TT1, he showed CrunCher a few Blink Stalkers but switched tech into Charge-lots. TT1 went on the offensive and, despite some great Force Fields by CrunCher, easily rolled over CrunCher’s Immortals and Stalkers with the Charge-lots winning the game.

Game 2: Tal’Darim Alter
TT1 opened with a four Gate rush, something very standard on this map. Realizing that a four Gate on Tal’Darim was inevitable, CrunCher went with the three Stalker rush, where you quickly get mobile on the map and pick off your opponents Probe before it can put pylons down. Executing the strategy perfectly, CrunCher picked off not one, but two of TT1’s Probes delaying the four Gate. While TT1 was busy trying to get a forward Pylon down, CrunCher managed to sneak a Probe into his opponent’s main and warped in two Zealots. These Zealots would be the crux of the game as they did irreparable damage to TT1’s economy. Realizing that he couldn’t come back in a long game, TT1 went all in. In an astounding micro battle that lasted for something like five minutes CrunCher managed to take out TT1’s army and win the game.

Game 3: Metalopolis
At the start of the game CrunCher decided it was his turn to try a four Gate. TT1 went with the very standard three Gate Robo build. One notable thing about the early game is that CrunCher put down a second Assimilator while TT1 was scouting him so that TT1 would think there was some sort of tech coming from CrunCher. Despite this clever move by CrunCher, his four Gate rush ultimately failed due to the game’s AI bugging out. Essentially, CrunCher had moved in to attack and TT1 Force Fielded his army. For some reason, the AI wouldn’t navigate around the Force Fields (even though there was room) and just stood there getting hit. With almost no army left, CrunCher had to retreat and try to catch up on tech. Both players sat back for a while, CrunCher trying to catch up and TT1 waiting until he had the amount of Colossus he felt comfortable with. Once his army was sufficient, TT1 moved across the map and had no problem dispatching CrunCher.

NASL – Week 8

Tonight, CompLexity’s CrunCher will be taking on TT1 from FnaticMSI in week 8 of the North American Star League. Last week, TT1 beat Ensnare from oGs with a score of 2-0, while CrunCher beat QXC 2-0.

The match is set to begin at 10PM EST.


North American Star League – CrunCher vs TT1


Location: TN, USA
Team: CompLexity



Location: Canada
Team: FnaticMSI


Time: 10:00PM EST
Maps: Best of Three