DreamHack Winter SC2 Commentators Revealed

BY Andrew Miesner / November 14, 2011

Today, with the tournament only one week away, DreamHack has announced the commentator line up for its StarCraft II event at DreamHack Winter 2011 (Nov. 24-27). Taking place at “one of Sweden’s largest sports arenas Kinnarps Arena” DreamHack Winter is looking to be one of the best live eSports events this year, especially considering the caster lineup.

The lineup includes:

  • Day[9] – Sean Plott
  • TotalBiscuit – John Bain
  • MrBitter – Ben Nichols
  • Apollo – Shaun Clark
  • Tasteless – Nick Plott
  • Artosis – Dan Stemkoski

Anyone who follows StarCraft II as an eSport is already aware of the reputation these commentators bring. With these six commentators taking the mic, you are pretty much guaranteed exciting games and hilarious banter. For those newer members of the SC2 community who may not be familiar with these casters, allow me to fill you in.

Day[9] hosts a webshow every day called “The Day[9] Daily” where he teaches you “to be a better gamer.” A mix of comedy, tips, tricks and entertaining stories, anyone who is looking to improve their StarCraft II game should check out the daily. Considering Day[9] is a former Brood War pro and WCG champion, I’d say he’s a qualified instructor. TotalBiscuit, on the other hand, doesn’t lend too much when it comes to analyzing strategy. Don’t let this put you off of him, though. He’s by far one of the best play-by-play commentators in the business. With his charming British accent and motor mouth, you’ll find TotalBusicut to be quite gem in the commentator booth. Then you have MrBitter and Apollo, both stellar casters in their own right, however get the two together and you’re in for a treat. These two have been making quite the splash commentating the Intel Extreme Masters series together. Lastly you have Tasteless and Artosis, better known as Tastosis the Casting Archon, commentators for the GSL. Widely considered the best in the business, it should come as no surprise that when these two aren’t commentating the GSL’s Code S they’re often found flying around the world commentating the biggest eSports events. Just this year, these two have casted several MLGs, the NASL final, and Blizzcon. If you haven’t been watching Tastosis, do yourself a favor and buy a season pass to the GSL.

If you do tune in to DreamHack Winter next week, be sure to keep an eye out for both NaNiWa and DongReaGu as they will be participating and representing compLexity at the event.

For more details on DreamHack Winter, click here.