Electrify Pubs are Here!

BY Andrew Miesner / January 27, 2009

The Syndicate is happy to officially announce our partnership with Electrify Servers.  Electrify is not only generously supporting our organization, they have recently launched a group of public 1.6 servers for the coL Community!

This means compLexity is back and providing YOU with the best free places to enjoy your favorite games and it also means Pub Nights will soon be back.

Be sure to put our servers in your favorites and keep them full!

compLexity Windy City DM // ElectrifyServers.net – IP:

compLexity Lone Star State DM // ElectrifyServers.net – IP:

compLexity Big Apple DM // ElectrifyServers.net – IP:

compLexity City of Angels DM // ElectrifyServers.net – IP: