ESWC Open Game 2009 Announced

BY Andrew Miesner / June 1, 2009

ESWC Open Game 2009

On Sunday, the EOG committee announced a new competition coming into play that will be held from the 13th of June to August 7th. This competition will involve just around $50,000. The preliminary tournaments will be held in June/July. The grand final is set to be held August 1st – 7th of this year in Ma’anshan, China.

ESWC is looking more Chinese based and they make it quite obvious. Preliminary tournaments will be held in eight Chinese cities and there will be an online qualifier held just for China. Also, this weekend in South Korea a tournament will be held for Warcraft 3 sending the top 2 members to the Grand Finals in Ma’anshan. More information regarding the tournament in South Korea can be found here.

Source: SK Gaming