Ex-coL Trio Return to FireGamers

BY Andrew Miesner / May 14, 2011

Today the FireGamers organization announced that the former compLexity players Renato “nak” Nakano, Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo and Matheus “urb” Oliveira have rejoined the team, which currently includes former coL.br member, Bruno Ono.

Originally members of FireGamers, the ex-coL trio (as nak, FalleN and urb are now known as) left the team back in September to further their careers with the compLexity brand. Unfortunately for all parties involved, lack of stability in the team caused compLexity and the squad to part ways.

So far the current FireGamers line up includes:

Bruno “bruno” Ono
Renato “nak” Nakano
Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo
Matheus “urb” Oliveira

We’d like to wish the best of luck to the Firegamers players!