Beginning today, compLexity Cross Counter’s Ryan “FilipinoChamp” Ramirez is in Melbourne, Australia for the Shadowloo Showdown 2K12 from May 4th to the 6th. The event will play host to hundreds of the world’s best gamers as they compete for over $20,000 in cash and prizes.
The list of competitors can be found below:
Airtola (United States)
Amiyu (Japan)
WW.MCZ|Andreas (United Kingdom)
Banbaban (Japan)
Bon-chan (Japan)
EG|Choco (Japan)
eLivePro.Qanba|Dakou (China)
Totalheads|Deshiken (Japan)
DJ Huoshen (United States)
SYN|Don D (United Kingdom)
Eita (Japan)
EX Mamehara (Japan)
WW.MCZ|F-Word (United Kingdom)
coL.CC|Filipino Champ (United States)
RZR|Fuudo (Japan)
Gachi-kun (Japan)
Genki (Japan)
EG|Justin Wong (United States)
KOK (Japan)
Leslie (Singapore)
WDM.MCZ|Luffy (France)
cafe id|M.Lizard (South Korea)
AG.MCZ|MarlinPie (United States)
Totalheads|Michael-tan (Japan)
EG|Momochi (Japan)
Totalheads|MOV (Japan)
Mysterious (Kuwait)
Naruo (Japan)
Totalheads|Poongko (South Korea)
Qanberco (Kuwait)
WW.MCZ|Ryan Hart (United Kingdom)
Shungoku Neurosis (Japan)
TTC.MCZ|Tokido (Japan)
eLivePro.QanBa|Xiaohai (China)
Dignitas|Zak Bennett (United Kingdom)
Below is the official streaming schedule for Shadowloo Showdown 2012: