Friday Night BarCraft – Blizzcon 2011

BY Andrew Miesner / October 21, 2011

After it was announced, with dissapointment, that Ultimate Barcraft was being cancelled, Friday Night at Blizzcon 2011 will now play host to Friday Night Barcraft at the Hilton Anaheim. Hosted by compLexity, EG, OneMoreGame.TV, Quantic, and NASL, the event can support up to 1000 participants and will feature a GSL Finals Viewing Party/BarCraft, followed by a live episode of Live on 3, which will include Slasher and djWHEAT *both* getting their heads shaved on stage!



More information about Friday Night Barcraft, click here. Remember, the event is absolutely free and open to spectators of all ages, but you *MUST* be 21 years or older in order to drink.