FXO with e-Sports TV and House

BY Andrew Miesner / February 26, 2011

FXO, the organization behind the FXOpen Tournament series, has made several announcement via a post on TeamLiquid.net, showcasing their plans for the future which include an e-Sports TV platform, the FXOpen e-Sports tournament Ladder, which will feature a prize purse greater to that of the GSL, as well as the announcement that they have found the FXOpen e-Sports tournament Ladder where their players will live and practice.

Below is an excerpt from the original post:

After the success of our past events and the establishment of the FXOpen Invitational Series we are proud to make the following announcements.

  • FXOpen e-Sports has begun programming for an e-Sports TV platform. The platform will feature all FXOpen events, as well as various talk shows and other productions. It will also enable other tournament organisers to stream via a stable, high technology, platform without the hassle of web based streaming.


  • FXOpen e-Sports tournament Ladder is now released. The ladder will be used for us to gauge which players will get an invite to our tournament in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We have not released the prize money as yet, but it will be that of GSL or higher (sponsorships are already incoming so we will make a further announcement). We are looking at hosting this tournament around October-November. See an explanation of how the ladder will work in the spoiler below.


  • FXOpen e-Sports new events. Weekly KOTH (including Korean players), the KOTH events allow players to gain points towards the FXOpen e-Sports tournament ladder as well as other prizes.


  • FXOpen Invitational, Destination Korea Tournaments. In order to get some of the best names outside of Korea, to Korea, we will be hosting tournaments in which the first prize is a plane ticket to Korea. These tournaments will NOT have Korean players involved. *NOTE* This prize will only be a plane ticket, players with no intention on making it to korea will be requested to refuse their invitation. We will be taking PM’s for people who are interested in these tournaments soon when we announce the first one.


  • FXOpen e-Sports TEAM HOUSE. We have found a property, its already owned by our company. It’s a large house just outside of Kuala Lumpur. It is the complete opposite of a Korean team house and is a more comfortable environment. We are now waiting for the occupants to move to their new place in the next 12 months (FXOMonarch is currently occupying it). If something changes in the company, this may change.


  • FXOpen e-Sports studio, Kuala Lumpur. We are currently in the process of creating a gaming studio. We will test this with our technology and smaller local events before we run our larger globally broadcast event. We expect to have this completed by June.



The complete post and further details can be found by clicking here.