On behalf of the compLexity Gaming family, we’d like to wish our very own Jeffrey “SjoW” Brusi a Happy Birthday as he turns 28 today.
Coming to you from Sweden, SjoW has made a name for himself in StarCraft 2 before Hearthstone came out. The Terran player was known across the world as a fierce and calculating competitor. In his time he had many good showings, like a great run through the DreamHack Summer of 2013 on his home turf. After his StarCraft 2 career ran it’s course, SjoW decided to exchange Marines, Tanks, and SCVs for Grommash, Gorehowl, and Ragnaros. The transition to a card game wasn’t too hard for him, as the Swede has a background in other popular TCG titles like Magic: The Gathering. With that knowledge and an easy learning curve, he quickly became one of the top ladder players and top streamers on Twitch. Just last season he held the #1 Legendary spot in North America and Europe for a while, a feat not many Hearthstone players have accomplished thus far.
Once again we’d like to wish a very Happy Birthday to SjoW!