Heart Plays in SHOUTcraft’s “House of the Swarm”

BY Andrew Miesner / December 16, 2012

Tonight compLexity’s Heart will be participating in the SHOUTcraft “House of the Swarm” 1-day Minivational. Hosted by TotalBiscuit, this small tournament features five of the best players around competing in the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Beta for part of the $1000 prize pool. Aside from Heart, the other players are Axiom.RyunG, Axiom.CranK, Axiom.Miya, and Acer.MMA.

The tournament will follow a Round Robin format with every player playing a Best-of-1 versus every other player. After the Round Robin stage, the two players with the highest map score will face each other in a Best-of-5 for first place.

The map pool will consist of:

  • Ohana
  • Antiga Shipyard
  • Newkirk City
  • Daybreak
  • Cloud Kingdom

For all the details including prize pool breakdown and player interviews, click here.