HoN eSports Manager Interviewed

BY Andrew Miesner / June 21, 2011

Shashi “DetonatoR” Singh, the Esports Community Manager for S2, the creator of Heroes of Newerth, a science fantasy, action real-time strategy game, has been interviewed by Cadred.org. Shashi is the former Head of Staff at compLexity Gaming and has now made his way through the ranks at S2 to manage their competitive HoN scene.

An excerpt from the interview can be found below:


The game itself has one of the steepest learning curves of any title and its depth and complexity make it both suited for e-sports and casual play alike. S2 Games are aware of this and look to cater not only to the thousands of players who play the game simply for enjoyment but also look to make sure that those who wish to play the game at the highest level, with both prestige and prizes on the line, have a platform to do so. It’s a balancing act at times but anyone who has used the Heroes of Newerth interface and seen S2’s commitment to putting up prize money for tournaments around the world will be able to testify that they have delivered what both factions of the community want.

Tasked with care for the e-sports side of things is Shashi Singh, a name that probably won’t be immediately familiar to anyone but the most hardcore of e-sports historians. He currently operates as the e-sports community manager for S2 Games. This is no idle appointment either. Shashi has been involved with e-sports for years, starting as far back as twelve years old where he looked to cut his teeth as a staff writer with one of the biggest American brands in the industry, compLexity.


The full interview can be found by clicking here.