IGN Releases IPL 3 Program Guide

BY Andrew Miesner / October 3, 2011

The IGN Pro League has really been stepping up their game they past few weeks. First they announce the IPL 3, their first live event hosted at Caesars Atlantic City October 6-9th. Then they get NBA star Gordon Haywood to help promote the event. Now that we’re less that one week away, IGN has released an online program guide for the IPL 3.

This program guide has absolutely everything you’d what to know about the IPL 3. There’s a detailed schedule listing when and where all the matches will be played, a floor plan of Caesars Atlantic City so you can get to the matches you want to see, and a detailed infograph showing how the open bracket and pool play system work. There’s even several pages giving a small bio of each of the invited players as well as the commentators and presenters.

Other live event really should take note on how IGN is running the IPL 3. So far it’s looking like the best Western eSports event this year. If you are going to the IPL 3 keep an eye out for coL.LoL as well as CatZ, TriMaster and Minigun from the coL.SC2 squad.