Interview with coL.CC

BY Andrew Miesner / July 6, 2011

Gootecks and Mike Ross from coL.CC were recently in Australia for Shadowloo Showdown 2K11 and had a chance to sit down with “Don’t Be a Scrub Podcast” for an interview.

Below is an excerpt from the hour long audio interview:

Today we are in the CQ hotel. It’s Shadowloo Showdown…God knows what day. But this is near the end of the event. And we have two very special guests with us today. All the way from the other side of the world. Definitely the people who follow the fighting game community have heard of these two.

And it’s Mike Ross and Gootecks.

Mike Ross: What’s going on man. Thanks for having us.

Gootecks: What’s up guys.

S: Thank you for coming down.

G: No problem, thank you for having us.

Muttonhead: Alright we’ll just get right into it, because they need to sleep!

S: It is quite late, yeah. (It is past 1 AM and they have an  8 AM flight.)

M: Yeah. So who came up with the idea of Crosscounter?

MR: That would be the man known as Gootecks.

G: Yeah um, we were fortunate enough to run into Machinima. Basically walked right into their offices by mistake.

S: Oh really?

G: Not by mistake but by fate! As it were.

And they spotted us, and they were like, hey, wanna do some Super Street Fighter IV videos? This was before Super came out in April of 2010. And we were like sure, that sounds amazing.

So we did some videos for them and over the course of the next several weeks they realized; hey these guys actually know what they’re doing.

MR: And for some reason people actually keep watching these videos.

G: Can’t quite figure out why.

MR: Yeah. So maybe if we bring them on board they might want to work with us.

G: Right.

MR: I guess then they said; hey Gootecks. Come up with something.

G: Yeah. So I was like, hey Mike you wanna do this show?

Which was…what we had in mind from the get go.

They didn’t know about it. We performed Inception on them.

MR: That is correct.

G: Planted the idea in their minds to give us our own show. And that’s how it came about.



You can find the podcast and read a full transcript of the interview here.