Jason Lake Speaks to ESFI About coL.CC

BY Andrew Miesner / June 23, 2011

Following the acquisition of both Mike Ross and Ryan ‘Gootecks’ Gutierrez of Cross Counter this past week, Jason Lake sat down with ESFI to answer a few remaining questions and give his take on the fighting game community and what it holds for the future. Jason also discusses the roles that both Gootecks and Mike Ross will be filling as we move forward.

Below is an excerpt from the interview:


ESFI World: Based on your press release, it looks like Mike and Ryan will have fundamentally different roles in Complexity with Mike filling the role as “Player Manager” and Ryan as the “Media Manager”. Can you elaborate more on what their day to day roles within Complexity will be? Will they also compete under the Complexity name?

For the most part I’m sure they will consult each other on all aspects of coL.cc but I wanted to be sure each had a specific title to ensure proper decision making and accountability. Therefore, Mike will be primarily responsible for player acquisition and management and Ryan will focus more on the media side of the division like videos, interviews, etc. [Ed. Note: Lake later clarified the new roles will be primarily managerial, but the players could compete at their own discretion.]


The full interview can be found by clicking here.