Lightning Strikes for Frag Dominant

BY Andrew Miesner / August 10, 2009

Frag Dominant has decided to pick up Lightning Bolt to play TF2 professionally for the organization. The team will fit along side with the other CS, CS:S, CS:L, BM, COD4, GOW, Q3, NHL, NFS, SC, and MM teams.

“Were a fun group of guys. We talk to the community and are well known. We’re not really disliked and we don’t think highly of ourselves. We try to keep it professional and keep a level of respect to everyone. We like to joke with the community; it’s just about having fun.”
– Jai “notor-” Pidugu

Team Fortress 2 Lineup

  Jai “notor-” Pidugu
  Eric “Jet Fox” Roberts
  Kevin “SureShot” Clark
  Josh “Sher” Sherwin
  Jason “gbear” Park
  Alex “Lopert” Bradley
  ake “jk” Kaupp
  Kevin “stamjallyfish” Roberts