Loaded Signs Evo and Sgares

BY Andrew Miesner / August 10, 2010

Loaded, via their website, has announced the addition of two new players to their roster in Scott “evolution” Cavallero and Sean “sgares” Gares. With the change comes the decision to replace Paul “Adrenaline” Baker and Anthony “djibouti” Manosca.

The community has already seen this roster perform in the EG Master’s Cup where the team placed second behind compLexity, taking home $1,000 in prize money. The team is now preparring for for the upcoming CEVO and ESEA-Invite Season’s as well as the WCG USA Finals.

Sean “sgares” Gares had this to say to GoLoaded.com:


I’ve never been happier about joining a team. This team has so much potential, but is already the best team I’ve been on. With a few intense practice sessions I can easily see us being the best in the US in addition to contending internationally! Steno is probably the best in game leader in the US scene at the moment, and is constantly helping and giving advice in practices. Hostile is a great motivator in addition to being the best at his role. Pauly is our young gunner who’s always looking to better himself, and is just in love with the game. What sets this team apart from others though is the family atmosphere where everyone can take criticism and constantly better themselves.


The Loaded roster is now as follows:

Paul “pauLy” Guerboyan
Shaun “hostile” Catron
Nazar “steno” Vynnytsky
Scott “evolution” Cavallero
Sean “sgares” Gares