Meet the Academy: Eric “NoCreativity” Albensius

BY Andrew Miesner / April 18, 2012

Recently compLexity Academy commissioner Michael “Twixz” Shane had a chance to sit down with Academy member Eric “NoCreativity” Albensius to discuss his progress as a player as well as his recent MLG trip.

What’s up Nocreativity! How has your stay in the academy been up to this point?
Its been great so far! Everyone is so positive and willing to help each other out. I can really see my game improving. With the new recruits and the new things coming to the academy,  I’m sure we’ll be putting one some big results.

How do you feel about taking the academy crown away from Lizzuma, and do you think you can defend it against this upcoming class?
The  moment I got into the academy I made a promise that I would be the best in it, dedicating myself to improving my game. I plan on keeping it that way.

So far you have been to two MLG events representing the academy. What have you taken away from these events, and how do you feel about the games you played at them?
I’ve been very lucky with the opportunities compLexity has given me with theses two trips and I have enjoyed them a lot. Getting to meet everyone and see different parts of the country is a dream come true. While MLG is obviously an amazing experience, they come with a depressing side. The lack of results and missed opportunities are obviously disappointing. That said, these losses help motivate me to become a better player so I can make my move at the next MLG.

You where in Orlando when Goswser was tearing through the bracket how did it feel to share that weekend with your teammate?
It’s always great to see a fellow teammate do well and even better when he was a follow academy member like me. It was great to see Goswser get promoted out of the Academy and added to the main coL roster. You can’t help but be happy for a friend (and fellow Zerg) when these amazing opportunities come along.

The new ESEA season is up and running what do you feel the chances are that the Academy team can make it into the playoffs?
We were close last season but we lost a few teams that we could have easily won. If we pull ourselves together this season I can see us making the playoffs no problem.

Tell us a little bit about you outside of StarCraft, hobbies, favorite foods, etc.
I don’t really play any other game besides StarCraft, but as far as hobbies go I weight lift and enjoy movies from anywhere. The rest of my spare time is pure StarCraft.

If you could play against anyone in SC2 who would it be and why?
I don’t really want to play one person in particular I just want to play good players.

Thanks for your time Eric, the podium is yours if you would like to say anything!
I would like to thank  Complexity gaming for everything they’ve done so far. Without the support of compLexity and the Academy I wouldn’t have been able to attend those MLG events and meet all the great people in the organization.

Keep an eye out for NoCreativity as he, and the rest of the Academy take on Did You See That Gaming tonight in the ESEA.