Meet the Academy: Lucas “boonrebu” Chen

BY Andrew Miesner / May 20, 2012

For the fourth part of our “Meet The Academy” series, Academy commissioner Michael “Twixz” Shane sat down with Lucas “boonrebu” Chen. Being one of our newest members, we wanted to give Lucas the chance get his name out in the community and let people get to know one of our rising stars.

Hey Lucas first off welcome to compLexity and why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi! Well, I’m a college freshman at Cornell University studying Engineering. When I’m not studying I’m working on my StarCraft II game trying to get to the next level.

How long have you been playing SC2 and where do you see yourself in the future?

I’ve been playing SC2 since the Beta but very on and off. It wasn’t until only very recently that I started to take the game a bit more seriously. I was originally a Protoss player but just switched to Terran this January. Starcraft is such a volatile game so it’s impossible to see where I might be in the future but, hopefully, I aim to be one of the premier North American players.

You will be in Anaheim already thanks to the WCS qualifiers, but how do you think you will fair in booth the Blizzard event and MLG itself?

I’m really excited but also nervous. It will be my first live event so I don’t know how my nerves will come in to play. Also I won’t be going in to it with as much practice as I would like, as I still need to deal with college finals before I can go back to seriously playing. I think I have the potential to cause some serious upsets, but of course that’s with a bit of luck.

Are you excited to test out the upcoming Heart of the Swarm expansion at Anaheim?

I was never one to really care that much about testing out games before they’re released or anything. What I’m more excited for is the fact that there are gonna be the legendary Brood War progamers attending.

Once again thanks for your time and welcome to the family, any last words?

I just wanna thank compLexity for this opportunity to represent them and I hope to show some good results.

Once again, I want to thank Lucas for taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk with us about The Academy. We expect big things from him and are looking forward to seeing him develop into star player we know he will be.