MoB Gaming Aquires d1versity

BY Andrew Miesner / September 15, 2009

MoB Gaming is now back in the Counter-Strike scene after their departure earlier on in the year. They have aquired team d1versity, who is currently 4-3 in ESEA-Invite.

When the season started, d1versity was a full West Coast lineup, which won them ESEA-Main last season. They have made two rosters changes. Joining the team will be Dustin ‘dizzman‘ Dilyerd and David ‘Xp3‘ Garrido. Both these players are from the former Blight.USA roster which was just released.

I am just happy to be back in 1.6 with a guy I trust like Noah. I am ready to support them to the fullest.

Vincent ‘TheGodFather’ Pagliano, MoB Gaming Owner

MoB Gaming CS 1.6:

Ryan ‘pham’ Pham
Noah ‘StrikeR’ Alvarado
Josh ‘dEE’ Wong
Dustin “dizzaman’ Dilyerd
David ‘Xp3’ Garrido