New Norwegian top CS team created

BY Andrew Miesner / January 29, 2009

The two famous Norwegian CS profiles noLA and prb has together with OmeN started up a new top Counter-Strike team in Norway. The team picked the very controversial name Team Matrix, but has nothing to do with the Internet café or with the old Swedish Matrix team that consisted of famous players like ScreaM and SpawN. The new Matrix line-up includes stars of the former XpreZ team.

The new matrix line-up consists of:

Martin ‘OmeN’ Moskvil
Kristian ‘mICROVAN’ Nyborg
Preben ‘prb’ Gammelsæther
Mats ‘noLA’ Nygren
Pavo ‘pavo’ Lindstrøm

Fragbite has also made a really short interview with the teams manager KejsareN where he states that he is happy with the new team and believes that they will do well in the next to events they are attending (Infected and The Gathering). He also says that he understands the people that think they are “taking” the name, but he believes that this doesn’t in any way ruin what Matrix once was and nobody will forget the famous players from the old team.

Source: FragBite

Clan Matrix