PG2: coL.GanZi vs. FXO_Strelok – NASL

BY Andrew Miesner / September 28, 2012

Tonight compLexity’s star Terran player GanZi will be playing his second match of the NASL season. Taking on the strong Terran player Strelok, GanZi is looking to even up his record after last week’s loss to Alicia. That said, Strelok also lost his first match in the NASL versus the Protoss player MaNa.

The match will start out on the map Entombed Valley, a very big map that emphasizes macro and positional play. After Entombed Valley, the losing player will get to choose the next map from the NASL map pool.

The broadcast is scheduled to start at 9:00PM EST and can be watched here. If the free standard definition stream isn’t high enough quality, you can upgrade to a HD pass for $19.99 here. Please tune in and cheer for GanZi as he tries to even up his record in the NASL.

Score 1 2 3 F
coL.GanZi 0 0 0
FXO_Strelok 1 1 2